Expression Language

Some tasks can be configured with a powerful expression language (EL). The syntax of this language resembles that of the expression language in Java Server Pages. A simple expression for a filename pattern in the EL could be: ${artists[0]}/${album}/${title}.mp3

Expression are simply strings, in which logic can be embedded with ${...} constructions.


Variables can be provided by the context in which the expressions are executed (consult the documentation of the various tasks for which expressions can be used). Additionally, the framework provides a number of standard variables for each mp3 audio file:

${album} The album (a string).
${albumArtists} The album artists.
${artists} The artists of the song (a list of strings).
${comment} A comment (a string).
${compilation} Boolean, true for compilation albums.
${composers} The composers.
${disc} The disc sequence number, when the album is split over multiple discs.
${genres} The genres of the song (a list of strings, such as 'Soundtrack' or 'Alternative').
${title} The title of the track (a string).
${track} The content of the track number tag (an integer).
${trackCount} The total number of tracks for the album (an integer).
${year} The content of the year tag (an integer).

TODO: add albumGain, albumPeak, trackGain, trackPeak to this doc. TODO: add file, path

If the variable does not have a value (because the tag is not present in the audio file), it is treated as null . Null values are not written to the final string. Thus if the artists tag is not set ${artists} will evaluate to an empty string.

Properties of variables are accessed using the . operator and can be nested arbitrarily. For more expressive language features to access properties of objects, see the Expression Language syntax description from Sun


EL provides the following operators:

  • Arithmetic: + , - (binary), * , / and div , % and mod , - (unary)
  • Logical: and , && , or , || , not , !
  • Relational: == , eq , != , ne , < , lt , > , gt , <= , ge , >= , le . Comparisons can be made against other values, or against boolean, string, integer, or floating point literals.
  • Conditional: A ? B : C . Evaluate B or C , depending on the result of the evaluation of A .
  • Empty: The empty operator is a prefix operation that can be used to determine whether a value is null or empty, e.g. ${empty artists ? "no artist" : artists} .

The precedence of operators highest to lowest, left to right is as follows:

  1. [] .
  2. () (Used to change the precedence of operators).
  3. - (unary) not ! empty
  4. * / div % mod
  5. + - (binary)
  6. < > <= >= lt gt le ge
  7. == != eq ne
  8. && and
  9. || or
  10. ? :


The following function are provided:

${memberOf(object,artists)} Evaluates to true if object is an element of collection .
E.g. ${memberOf(\"Moloko\",artists)}
${strCat("str1","str2")} Evaluates to str1str2
${toLower("strING")} Evaluates to string
${toInteger("190")} Transformes objects to strings if possible.
E.g. ${toInteger("2")+toInteger("3")} Evaluates to 5
${toUpper("strING")} Evaluates to STRING
${twoDigit("3")} Used for track numbers, evaluates to 03

For more information follow this link: api documentation for the provided functions